All posts by Cristiano Giuffrida

Dedup Est Machina in the news

Our  Dedup+Rowhammer research made it to various international publications, including The Register,  SearchSecurity (with mistakes), Softpedia, TechTarget, Risky Business ( @ 13:37), and others.

It also featured on national  Dutch radio in BNR Digitaal (from 9:10 onward), De VolkskrantTweakers, and  a security advisory by NCSC (all Dutch).

The slides from Erik Bosman’s S&P 2016 talk are here.

4 papers accepted at USENIX Security

This year, VUSec had 4 papers accepted at USENIX Security. (1) flip feng shui (or how to abuse memory deduplication to make Rowhammer attacks deterministic), (2) an in-depth analysis of disassembly, (3) thread spraying to attack information hiding, and (4) a paper that also “pokes holes into information hiding” and demonstrates that using ASLR/64 to hide safe regions is completely insecure.