Herbert Bos

Contact Details

Email address
Twitter @herbertbos
Phone +31 20 598 7746
Office 11A-29
Mailing address Herbert Bos
Dept of Computer Science
NU building, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1111
1081 HV, Amsterdam
The Netherlands
PGP  Click here

Herbert Bos is full professor at the Vrije  Universiteit Amsterdam  and co-leads the VUSec Systems Security research group with Cristiano Giuffrida, Erik van der Kouwe, Bala Chandrasekaran and Klaus von Gleissenthall. In 2023, he was appointed by royal degree to membership of the Electoral Council (founded 1917), the central authority and advisory body for Dutch elections. Later that same year, he was appointed to membership of the Cyber Security Council (CSR), a national, independent advisory body of the Dutch government and the business community (through the government) composed of high-ranking representatives from public and private sector organisations and the scientific community.

He obtained an ERC Starting Grant to work on reverse engineering and an NWO VICI grant to work on vulnerability detection.  In 2024, he was awarded an ERC Advanced Grant for research on detecting, analysing and mitigation transient execution attacks (such as Spectre, Meltdown and MDS) and an NWO Gravitation Grant for building a secure foundation for computer systems. These and other systems security topics are still close to his heart. Other research interests include OS design, microarchitectural attacks and defenses, fuzzing, exploitation, networking, and dependable systems.

Herbert moved to Amsterdam after approximately four years at the Universiteit Leiden. Before that he obtained his Ph.D. from the Cambridge University Computer Laboratory.

Herbert is very proud of his current and former Ph.D. students, 6 of whom have won the ACM SIGOPS EuroSys Roger Needham PhD Award for best doctoral dissertation in computer systems in Europe, 2 have won the ACM SIGSAC PhD Dissertation Award for best PhD thesis in Security, and 3 have won the IEEE/IFIP William C. Carter PhD Dissertation Award for best doctoral dissertation
in dependability and security. In addition, the research has been awarded by 5 PWNIE Awards (4x “most innovative research”, 1x “best privilege escalation bug”), a CSAW Best Paper award, and 5 Dutch Cyber Security Best Research Paper Awards.

Selection of 50 Recent Publications

See >here< for the full list of publications.